Travel with Bicycles
When we were planning our trip to Spain, I found the Travel with Bicycles (Air/Rail/Other) site that provides a wealth of data on traveling with…
Photo of the Day
These two are ready for the commute.
Another Hugger
We’re proud to announce the birth of our newest baby Snow Hugger. Manned by me, Snow Hugger is Bike Hugger’s colder, more mountainous cousin: a…
PezCycling in Girona
A Pez-Fan was either ahead, behind us, or nearby in Girona! Check Thom Fox’s report on his rides in Girona, the food, and more. Tom…
Photo of the day
new CERES bike dome, by snorrrlax. Here’s another, wider shot. Also, here’s more on CERES, Melbourne’s Center for Education and Research in Environmental Strategies.
The Number Lance
Pam was checking out the NYC marathon and noticed that Lance’s number is “Lance,” not like 1 or 00, just “Lance.” She also thought he…
Riding dirty
The first rain ride of the Fall is usually dirty with all the grime, oil, grit and dirt built up from the summer bubbling across…
New uses for old parts
Treehugger | Bike Lamps from Treeline Designs Treehugger offers up Treeline Designs, which offers lamps built around suspension forks. Among the coolest features are the…
Xtracycle Ride, Party and Concert
Kipchoge Spencer of the Ginger Ninjas (and Xtracycle fame) is in town playing his guitar and Aaron is promoting a bike ride for the occasion.…