Our friends at REI sent a link to Novara Flicks, an action-packed video of their 07 product line, including behind-the-scenes with the designers. Of note…
Staying Caffeinated
Coffee and cycling go together, always have, and I travel with my own grind and french press to make sure wherever I am, I’m fully…
925 at the Golden Gate Bridge
A reader sent a blog about riding in San Fran and a 925 at the Golden Gate Bridge. I’ll be in San Fran tomorrow for…
Photo of the day
6 seater…people mover, by pierre pouliquin. World’s greenest minivan.
Bike Valets in Japan
A reader sent us a post from Stippy.com on bike valets in Japan, who keep all the bikes orderly. Imagine that, riding up to a…
Biking with GPS
Ask MetaFilter | help me equip my bike with gps | Ask MetaFilter There’s a good post over at MetaFilter asking about using GPS on…
Paper of record on the Campy Record crowd
New York Times | You Paid How Much for That Bike? The New York Times looks at the high-end bike market, especially in Manhattan. The…
Cleaner Performance
Treehugger | Performance Bicycle Rides With the Wind Bicycle catalog specialist Performance Bicycle of Chapel Hill is making an effort to use renewable power at…
Best wishes to Sheldon Brown
Bicycle Design | Captain Bike James at Bicycle Design points out that Sheldon Brown, one of the most helpful and knowledgeable bike experts on the…
Travel with Bicycles
When we were planning our trip to Spain, I found the Travel with Bicycles (Air/Rail/Other) site that provides a wealth of data on traveling with…