Spotted on Cyclingnews, the Gary Fisher Simple City … will post more details as we find them. Interesting the bike falls under their Fisher brand…
Cycling City of the Future
I worked out of Copenhagen a couple years ago. I lived in a hotel downtown and was amazed with the cycling-specific infrastructure the city provided…
Bike Messenger Scene hits Hollywood
It seems that Hollywood is stepping back into the bike messenger scene. Looking at the photos from “Blonde Ambition” it looks like a far more…
Beijing Bans Cars
While Beijing announced it was selectively banning cars (odd/even days) to clean up the air for the Olympics, Cadel Evans was there riding the road…
In the Bike Shop: Bill D
When you’ve been building frames for over 38 years, like Bill Davidson has, there’s lots to talk about, including the current obsession with carbon (used…
The opposite of training
As the racing season winds down, I’m looking forward to the opposite of training. Where we just tour, travel, and ride big miles into the…
Paris-Brest-Paris Starts Monday!
I’m nowhere near this hard-core, but P-B-P starts Monday. It’s 1200k in 90hrs for those of you unfamiliar with this old-school test. I know a…
QBP Launches Civia Bikes
Quality Bicyle Products (QBP) launched a new line of bikes this month under the name Civia Cycles. From they are described as “High-end bikes…
Adam Carolla goes wrong
Adam Carolla took his humor a little off track this morning. During a bit about “This Week In Rage”, a caller brought up cyclists riding…
Seattle’s a Bike Town
In front of the Whole Foods, at 2201 Westlake, there was a fixie, electric bike, and dutch cargo bike, all in close proximity. The photos…