Kid 1 gets the camera to record the ride to school on Bettie. After the slow, grinding climb, we hit Ludicrous Speed on the descent…
Huggacast 60: Cross Tips 5
Tim Rutledge of Redline teaches us his Secret Cross Tips. This is Part 5 of 5 and covers “Tipping the bike over the barriers.” More…
StarCrossed – Fan friendly Cyclocross
Starcrossed is a fan favorite to kick off the cross season in Seattle. It’s part of the new North Americal Cyclocross Trophy. This video will…
Google Maps Apps @ uBRDO
Scotty over at uBRDO sent us a link to a new feature on his store site – a Google Maps Photo GeoLocator. I did something…
Purple Pedals
We first noticed Flickr’s Moblogging, Geotagging Bike a few weeks ago, when I spotted it in Dunstan’s photostream. Since then, Yahoo! has launched a related…
Office Monster at Hed Cycling
While visiting our friends at HED Cycling, we stumbled onto the office glue monster. Just before getting decals, a bead of excess glue is stripped…
This box won’t fly
We’re hearing that cyclists are discovering at the airline ticket counter that their bikes will not be allowed to fly because the bike box is…
Celeste Things
The oldest bike in my stable is a 1996 Bianchi EL/OS. I had a lot of luck with that bike. During some hard times I…
Huggacast 59: Cross Tips 4
Tim Rutledge of Redline teaches us his Secret Cross Tips. This is Part 4 of 5 and covers “2 bike lengths to the barriers” More…
Mobile Social Interbike Update
Just a week away from the Mobile Social Interbike and a few updates … Xtracycle is our official longtail bike of the event – they’ll…