Riding Globes in SFO.
May 2010
It’s Women’s Fault
After my post yesterday about cycling’s difficulty addressing the needs of the female cyclist we received a lot of great feedback. One of the tweets…
Huggacast 137: Globe SF, a new bike the Daily
Visit SFO to ride Globes.
The Derailleur (ler)
The Ghost of Sheldon Brown commands you to spell it derailer!
Women as Outcasts In Cycling Industry
One of the things I find most disappointing about the bike industry is how it just does not understand women. For all the “women-specific” bikes…
It’s Springtime
Sundress, flip flops, shades, and shopping bags. Uploaded by Marcel Wevers | more from the Bike Hugger Photostream.
Maker Faire photos from Cyclelicious with more Steampunk Uploaded by richardmasoner | more from the Bike Hugger Photostream.
Bill, Fred, and Byron on the Trucker Trike
It went like this, “you wanna ride? I think so … then, hey slow down!” Will post the video I was shooting in another post.…
Local Racing
As I said on Twitter We’re covering local racing this weekend because we’re done with Pro racing and this era of dopers, bitterness, and controversy.…
Mobile Social Portland 2010: DeSalvo
Check those clean welds. Uploaded by Hugger Industries | more from the Bike Hugger Photostream.