Rare. Uploaded by tkurnia | more from the Bike Hugger Photostream.
June 2010
How they Roll
While we debate kits v. plain clothes and some are riding in tweed as the new old thing, dude shows up at the local Tuesday…
Our Hoodie and More Gifts
A photo looking downstairs at a Hugga Boo Hoodie. The Hoodies are a bamboo blend, very comfortable, and on sale with the rest of our…
Vintage Style…or not
< p>I stumbled upon this vintage Popular Mechanics magazine from 1973. Wooooooo, funny. Most of the bikes in the article would make me cringe if…
Garmin Connect Exposes Data
In the trend of social-media-sites sharing people’s data, The Register is running an article that points out that the Garmin Connect website makes ride data…
Bike Fit with Freakin’ Lasers
Those are lasers in the background during the fit process at Cycling Northwest. After busting my ribs up last week in an accident, decided it…
Droid Bicycle Mount
Eric Rice hooks his droid up to his bike with an Amzer Bicycle Handlebar Mount. Uploaded by Eric Rice | more from the Bike Hugger…
Mobile Social Toronto @ NXNEi
Our next Mobile Social is in Toronto next Tuesday (6/15), during NXNEi, at 6PM. We’ll start at the Hyatt Regency Toronto, cruise around the city…
Infografica Biciclette
Well this is a cool infographic, even if we don’t read Italian. Note the Trek District in the legend and the Dahon Mu. Via @rick_vosper.…
Crossing the Line
Some things you do in cycling to prove a point – to yourself. The point is made by climbing a steep hill fully loaded with…