Stopping for drawbridges usually means interesting people and photos, like this Almost Gas Free cyclist. He agreed to the photo as long as we said…
August 2010
< p> Vandalism has been linked to teen binge drinking, peer pressure, seeking money to buy drugs, and hostility towards property owners. I’m sure Clear…
Trek World 2010: Street
We’re not at Trek World this year, but Gary and Chris (the Moles) have been sending us some camera phone snapshots like this. See more…
I’ll never look at a ClifBar the same way again
< p> “It’s shark week, bitches!”
Darth Schrader
Yeah – not as funny if it was Darth Presta. Uploaded by Jeff Moser / | more from the Bike Hugger Photostream.
Sofus Francisco Toe Straps
Damn I’d get these in black. They’d also make some cool wrist bands. Mod Chuck Norris. Uploaded by | more from the Bike Hugger…
How Would You Quit?
With our Travel Hero Steve in the news, and we hope soon a dramatic re-enactment of his supreme beer-grabbing, escape-hatch opening, sliding-away-to freedom job quitting,…
Delivering Bikes with a Bike
Baron’s en route to customers with Haulin Colin trailer. Related blog post. Uploaded by Hugger Industries | more from the Bike Hugger Photostream.
Mamuse on Tour with Quinn
Mamuse is departing today for a bike tour in the San Juan Island. They ride from gig to gig playing music that … at its…
Design: the difference between chairs, bikes, and jetpacks
I’ve got this problem with “design” bikes. You know, the kind of bike you see in Wired or on some design blog. Sometimes I fear…