The latest YouTube meme is the Harlem Shake, a video in which a dude dances with a helmet on to dubstep. The groove is so…
February 2013
Yurbuds headphones
If you’re like me, you gotta have music all the time. Except for training and social rides, I almost always have headphones on while riding.…
Valentine’s Day Shopping
Shopping Got this rose the morning of, but didn’t forget! Also did NOT give her bike parts, wheels we could share, or an old demo…
Vittoria Italian Mountain Bike Loafers
Classics with rugged As seen on Instagram earlier this week, new kicks for this Spring nicknamed Italian Mountain Bike Loafers. Worn with a fine worsted…
I Found a Bike Today
A live version of I Found a Bike Today from Francobollo
Bicycled: A Bike Made Out of Cars
HT our friends at Boing Boing and online at Bicycled Bikes.
Beyonce Rollers, Belgians Rollers
Like to see Bike Nerds do a roller line dance like this… and Pro tip: get off the wind trainer and onto some rollers. Get…
Sugino OX601D Crankset (part 1)
Sugino introduces a new, lower-priced version of their “Compact Plus” road crankset that offers a wide variety of gearing options not available from Shimano, SRAM,…
Seattle kills rims
Every winter I see this. Rims worn to destruction by Seattle rain bringing road grit onto the rims. The frequent stop-and-go nature of city riding…
Rando Mode Part 3: the Swift Ozette Bag and Nitto Rack
So last ime I left off with talking about choosing a vintage French handlebar that would give me more room for a large front bag.…