By David J Schloss A Rant About Women’s Bikes I have always been a bicycle nerd. During most of my bike riding I’ve had nearly…
Issue 02: Seattle Hates Cyclists
A minority of a minority, riding a bike in the city. Search the internet using the keywords “why do cars hate cyclists,” and you’ll find…
Issue 02: An Urban Issue
That thrill of zipping by cars in a bike lane, while they’re stalled waiting for an intersection to clear. Our second issue of the magazine…
Issue 02: Bont Shoes
By Matthew Hill The Bont Vaypor cycling shoes aren’t just stiff and light, they’re different from almost everything else on the market, and in ways…
Issue 02: Bike Share
By David J. Schloss The Citi Bike program came to New York City in fits and starts. It’s now an enormous success. The Williamsburg Bridge…
Issue 01: A Ride to Weezerville
Amazon setup a company town in Seattle where warehouses and furniture stores used to be, like a college with a line of frat bars. Stepping…
Issue 01: The Rebirth of the High End Cyclist
By David Schloss There’s a new road ethic defined by companies like Rapha. The high-end enthusiast cyclist is dead. He died when Lance turned a…
Issue 01: 5 Trends Mark V Wants To See in Road Bikes
By Mark V Product development and industrial design can bring real benefit to another generation of bikes, but too much focus is spent on marketing…
Issue 01: Raver in the Rain
Should chill like him and enjoy any ride. That ride was heavy with rain. Got caught out in an unexpected storm that hit with the…
Issue 01: Niko
When my wife Pam told me she was using the Chrome Niko on a trip to Paris instead of her purse, I realized how essential…