A Pandemic Is A Good Time To Ride

It’s a good time to ride. I’ve been considering how best to get back to work, publishing content, during a pandemic and this is how…just get on with it. A silver lining in this current crisis is fewer cars on the road and open bike lanes make this an excellent time to go for a ride. Seattle has changed so much, I can’t say the empty streets are like it once was, but pretty close. NYC has seen a surge too.

A spring ride on a steel bike at sunset.

After the wettest winter in memory, the trails are drying out. And, as I’ve covered, there are hundreds of miles of gravel to ride on.

A Pandemic Is A Good Time To Ride By Yourself

A new study finds the coronavirus lives for hours in the air and on surfaces for days. To me that means, less virus loads are outside in the open air and that’s where I want to ride. As USA Cycling put it on Twitter

We love group rides. Rolling with friends, town line sprints, coffee stops; what could be better? But now isn’t the time. Now is the time for caution and care. If you’re willing to ride solo and safe, please share this message and ask others to join so we can. #flattenthecurve

Help Stop the Coronavirus

Based in Seattle, at the epicenter of the outbreak, getting back to normal is on everyone’s minds. Here’s 5 simple things you can do from WHO.

  1. HANDS: Wash them often
  2. ELBOW: Cough into it
  3. FACE: Don’t touch it
  4. FEET: Stay more than 3ft apart
  5. FEEL sick? Stay home

Also, stay informed with this map and go for a ride.

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