Day ELEVEN <a data-flickr-embed=”true” href=”” title=”7-8 ferris wheel ride”><img src=”” width=”1280″ height=”720″ alt=”7-8 ferris wheel ride”></a><script async src=”//” charset=”utf-8″></script> <a data-flickr-embed=”true” href=”” title=”7-8 Rabobank and…
Mark V
Mark V in Taiwan 2010: Days 9-10
So, to recap…I went to Taiwan a couple months ago, got back, and then got too distracted to post the entire story. But I’m up…
Mark V in Taiwan 2010: Days 7-8
I’ve got a huge backlog of things that I want to post on, and top of list is to finish out the Taiwan travel tales.…
Mark V in Taiwan 2010: Days 4-6
More travel tales from Taiwan! At the last entry, I had met with 4 others from North America to travel to Taiwan to experience the…
Mark V in Taiwan 2010: Days 1-3
It’s been a couple weeks of backlogged tasks since I got back from Taiwan, and it’s been hard trying to articulate the adventure in words…..but…
Needs more rake
Them randonneur folks like their fork with a lot of rake (offset from steering axis). Check out this new fork destined for a custom bike.…
3T Sprint bar
After decades of being the less stylish sister label to Cinelli, the new 3T brand has been pushing the limits of style and UCI regulations.…
King and I in Taiwan
< p> Greetings to all from Taiwan! I’m here to participate in the Taiwan Cycling Festival 2010, sponsored by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau. It’s well-known…
Sunday night with Raleigh High Life
From the archives: In the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle. Byron’s Raleigh SSCX bike with new wheels. Front: Mavic 501 track 24H on Hed Ardenne…
Mourey’s carbon Lapierre CX bike
Francis Mourey, Française des Jeux pro and French national champion, had a pretty good week here in the states, claiming a wet, wet Starcrossed title…