Cross-posted from Textura Design … for all you DIYs out there in the big ‘ol blogopshere, check Swap Meat, where you send Coudal (a creative…
From Japan (Part 12): Getting To Takayama
Mark V report from the 15th < p> After our slog through the monsoon to Shirotori, the sun came out accompanied by a stiff wind…
Sweet Sweet Coffee
Tobym tipped us to the sweet sweet coffee tee from Unicorn Burger. Toby knows that cyclists are as obsessed with coffee as anyone. I’ve posted…
Morning coffee with Bettie
Pam enjoys her morning coffee with Bettie, a sport-utility bike. Watch more Bettie videos and here’s a version of Morning Coffee with Bettie you can…
Top 10 Worst Cities for Bicycle Theft
Unbreakable Bonds, Kryptonite’s blog, posted last week on the Top 10 Worst Cities for Bicycle Theft. NYC is number one and Seattle is 8th. I’ve…
World Famous Bike Dude
During the Methow Valley Tour Time Trial, Dave from the DTours bike shop rolled up on his Peugeot and chilled. When I snapped this photo,…
Muji Bikes
Wherever Mark V is, during his Japan Tour, I hope he can make it into a Muji Store to check out the bikes, like the…
Raleigh Chopper Bicycle
In the 70s, there’s nothing I wanted more than to be like Evel Knievel (profiled earlier this year by USAToday). I practiced daily on my…
Flight of the Conchords: Hair Helmet
In HBO’s new comedy series, Flight of the Conchords, Brett works Tuesday nights on his secret project: a hair helmet. For trivia buffs, the original…
The Ride is Wired
Like all the other Mac fans, I clicked through to see Wired Magazine’s leaked screenshots of Mac OS X Leopard and there was The Ride…