After last year’s How not to ride STP, I embarked on this season determined to get in some great rides and procure for myself the…
From Japan (Part 11): the Kanbe Ryokan
Mark says: this dates from the 15th yesterday the monsoon rains arrived. we woke up and mounted our bikes for a long slog in a…
Just another reason to ride
Splash News Online | Angelina Jolie and the Hitcher So James Ambler has been following Angelina Jolie around New York on a Trek mountain bike,…
Team Bike Hugger: Methow Valley Tour
Pam and I are at the Methow Valley Tour and blogging about it on Team Bike Hugger. Late summer last year Pam and I rode…
Positively False: The Real Story of How I Won the Tour de France
Floyd Landis book, Positively False: The Real Story of How I Won the Tour de France, is on sale and he’s embarking on a book…
From Japan (Part 10): Gifu Gangsta
Mark backdates this entry from the 14th after waking up from the spooky inn, we packed our stuff and made way to the kombini (convenience…
From Japan (Part 9): The Haunted Inn outside Hikone
in his continuing travels in japan mark says: i finally have a computer that i’m not paying for by the minute and I’ve got the…
Remember: Lock your wheels
YouTube user shankbone wrote a song to accompany this security camera footage of a guy ripping off his bike’s wheels while his frame is locked…
Boing Boing: Urban Mobility Bike
Boing Boing, a directory of wonderful things, posted on an updated Urban Mobility Bike from Puma. We posted earlier on the original UM, in regards…
Photo of the Day: Shopping with Bike
She was downtown, at the corner of Stark and 6th in Portland, checking out the shops, purse at the ready … on her city cruiser…