< p><img src=”http://static.flickr.com/87/246009614_6ca41a2152_m.jpg” width=”240” height=160” alt=”Bike Racks @ Caltrain”> Mountain View Caltrain – Bike Racks, by mtakacs.
New York City releases bicycle fatality study
In New York City, StreetsBlog offers an interesting few posts on a new bicycle safety study released last week by New York City. Here’s the…
Gridlock v. Hot Chicks
I said to Pam, “this sucks,” as we inched along in traffic. I hadn’t driven a car in over a week and was quickly reminded…
Seattle to Portland, Ditty Bops Style
Giovanni, a Bike Hugger reader and Ditty Bops Fan sent us this ride report. See Bike Hugger meets the Ditty Bops, our Ditty Bops tag,…
The Hugger gets Made
MAKE: Blog: DIY Sport-utility bike Phillip Torrone links to the Bettie write-up over at the O’Reilly MAKE: magazine’s blog. It’s great to see so much…
Texas Jack Howell
Mike Robinson sent an email memorial about Texas Jack Howell who passed on this day in 1997. The email brought back memories of my days…
Photo of the day
lets-evo meets eurobike 2006-48, by Voe. Part of a big photoset called Lets Evo meets Eurobike 2006.
This just in: wigs make cyclists safer
BBC NEWS | Wearing helmets ‘more dangerous’ That’s one valid takeaway from a very simplistic study one rider in England undertook. Dr. Ian Walker of…
Bike Hugger meets the Ditty Bops
That’s me, Abby, Amanda, and Mark posing together at Seward Park after riding together with a group of cyclists from the Space Needle. We joined…
Pedal Mowers
In the first few Bettie rides, I joked with Eamon and Pam that you could hook up a push mower to the back of it…