A bot that doesn’t know bikes
Had this Frustrating Convo with Cleverbot about the bike this morning.
User: I like to ride bikes.
Cleverbot: You like to ride pigs.
User: No I like to ride bikes.
Cleverbot: I like to watch true blood.
User: Huh, but what about bikes?
Cleverbot: You’re cool.
User: So the bicycle? You know what that is?
Cleverbot: It is subjective.
User: Right. I see. The Giro? Heard of it?
Cleverbot: I live in it.
Cleverbot is a chat bot that runs off of the millions of conversations it’s had with humans. You talk to it and it looks in a database for the best response. Surprisingly Cleverbot has a lack of awareness about the bike and most certainly does NOT live in the Giro.
I suggest you help the bot by talking to it about your bike, where you ride, maybe Bike to Work month too.