It Was a Good Day

It was a good day. Out for a ride in the bright sunshine I spotted a family riding together

with a trailer attached to an Electra and an Xtracycle with kid.

Then a PBR Kit

on a fellow cyclist training on the roads near Lake City.

Later, a S&S Belt Drive

at Elliott Bay Bicycles.

Also saw a stoked Xtracycle with a new battery pack. A chain bowl and the dirtiest Timbuk2 bag evar.

Days Like These

It was a good day and it’s the days like these that Seattleites wait for during the long, wet, dark rainy season. I didn’t even let the argument with a Lotus driver phase me. That was more comical than anything.

The sun is expected for the rest of the weekend and we’re heading South out of the city and into the industrial Seattle. Towards Kent and Auburn where all the warehouses are, Ikea, and a big golf course.

Listening to

Shake em up, shake em up, shake em up, shake em

– Ice Cube, It was a Good Day.

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