Met Ben from Cycle Lifestyle at our Mobile Social London and he showed us the London Bike Maps – fascinated by them. Not only the intricate illustration, but every ride we’ve done in London with @alien8 required the use of a GPS device. As I wrote earlier this year
Imagine pedaling through a bright carnival midway. That’s what riding London at night is like. It bustles with life, sound, and smells. You’re on alert, but there’s also a calm to it when you turn onto a quiet street, in a brief lull, before another street with more fast pedaling.
London is the most invigorating urban riding we do. I’ve never found myself more lost and more engaged in a city. Would using a magic marker on this map to trace your route help? Probably.
Where it gets really interesting is if/when those tube-like maps get superimposed into an app like Google Latitude or Map My Tracks. Where you could see yourself in relation to your friends and where you want to go.