New York City Protected Bike Lanes

In town for an event with Sony, I stayed at a Kimpton who loans out bikes for free. Each day, I rode to and from the event on New York City Protected Bike Lanes. Before my flight back to Seattle I also got out on the path that runs along the waterfront.

Kimpton bike

It was a glorious fall week.

Bike Lane NYC

However, my rides in the 11th ave lane were interrupted by construction, a truck, a crane, a food cart. What I know from riding around Manhattan for a few days is New Yorkers are not exaggerating when they complain about blocked lanes. They should complain because those lanes are meant to protect them and pedestrians from cars.

Bike lanes make New York more livable.

Sony made it easy to get around with directional decals.

Back in Seattle, I read The NY Times story about the city building 250 miles of new lanes, as part of a $1.7 billion street safety plan to be adopted by Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council. The Mayor and City Council are responding to a spike in deaths.

Cancel Car Culture

Ultimately, I think its best to let the bike bloggers and advocates speak for themselves about their own city. I’m here to amplify the topic.

IDK if Velo Couture is still a thing, but this is my new fav photo of it. This cyclist was kind enough to pose.

There wasn’t a ride where I felt unsafe or any driver was menacing me, but I sure do understand how dangerous it is to transition in and out of the lane with traffic bearing down on you. From the NYT story:

Riding a bicycle in New York City is often a harrowing journey across a patchwork of bike lanes that leave cyclists vulnerable to cars.

Now Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City Council have agreed on a $1.7 billion plan that would sharply expand the number of protected bike lanes as part of a sweeping effort to transform the city’s streetscape and make it less perilous for bikers.

You’ve probably head of cancel culture, it happens on social networks; well, I hope the mob targets the car next. 25 cyclists killed on New York streets is unacceptable.

Bike lane construction in NYC

If you want to read about what I was doing with Sony, here’s the post on my camera site.

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