What’s really nice about multi-purpose sport helmets, is you can pop them right on, go for a ride, and they don’t require perfect-fit adjustments. What’s less nice, is that they don’t look “euro” for the road snob. Riding Bettie for coffee with a multi-purpose helmet is great, but showing up to ride a century with the team would result in some serious fashion shame. Just ask Bicycling’s Style Man who recommends the most pro-looking helmet possible, including diamond crusted.
Nutcase Helmets are fun. You can see that in their brand and marketing, and Michael Morrow found a niche with the cool designs. What better way to get a kid or adult to wear a helmet then to make them fun?
Nutcase Helmets are also from Portland, the Northwest land of the bike, and are one of the most enthusiastic bike companies out there.