A Parlee with Wahoo Fitness Bike Mount
At PressCamp now and that’s a photo of a Wahoo Fitness Bike Case and Mount on a Parlee. Wahoo demo’d an app that tracked 3 attendees as they raced down and up the resort road. Like a Tour Tracker, they showed power, speed, location.
Track your Tuesday Worlds
Both Biologic and Wahoo have told us to expect SmartPhones to replace cyclocomputers within 5 years. Skeptical? They’re already showing sales to prove it.
Pick a Parlee Z5 to ride
I’ll ride one of these Parlees tomorrow and test Wahoo’s system too. Before that, will upload more photos from the Tern Bicycles launch and reports. As usual, follow along on Twitter and Flickr.
I’m focusing on Cross here with a ride Ridley’s new bikes, Gore gear, and more.
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