Riding the Sand

Lars van der Haar shows you how it’s done

Watching the elites at Gieten today, I was reminded of how well they ride the sand and we do not. Racers in the Seattle area are at Silver Lake today and reaching the beach, hopefully finding a good line. In the 3rd issue of our magazine, Matt Hill explained how Wellens rides the sand. For anyone that’s face planted into a sand pit or just stalled after a bike length, it’s a mandatory read.

Issue 3 is available as a back issue in our iOS Newsstand app and on the web for $4.00 per issue or with a $16.00 annual subscription.

our mag

So how the heck do those Euro guys blast through the sand sections with such grace and style? Well, Matt breaks down footage of archetypal Euro Cross star Bart Wellens, showing the US peons just how to get things done.


Wellens in the sand

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