What Size Trek Madone?

The square v. compact frame geometry debate is back (if it ever left) and we’re being asked, “what size Madone?” Damn good question and we’ll have to see if you’ve either got a stubby stem of one that “reaches for the sky.” When Pam first stepped over her new Specialized Tarmac SL, it was like “what? am I on a mtn bike,” and it’s definitely unnerving to not see a top tub near your knees. I should probably write a “in defense of square frames” post sometime, but you can’t fight progress, so we’ve got the last square bike hold out, pushing out a new technology-driven, sloping top-tube bike with a seat mast and the “seat, feet, hands” approach. (I’m sure there were lots of groans from Masters racers about that)

In the bike shop, you’re going to have to try it, as you definitely can’t tell from the brochure. And to their credit, Trek answers the question here, in a lengthy and informative post.

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