Ignite Bikes and the Mobile Social Remix

Ignite Bikes is part of the Mobile Social Interbike Remix. The fun will happen at the Urban Legend Lounge on September 23rd, 2010 during Interbike. After Ignite Bikes and the Fashion Show, we’ll ride a roundtrip on the Vegas Strip.

Ignite Bikes

You’ve got 5 minutes and only 20 slides that rotate every 15 seconds, to talk about bikes–what would you say? Around the world, geeks have been putting together Ignites and we’re bringing the format to Interbike with us.

Submit your talk now. We want to hear about some crazy idea you have for a new product, how you’d change the world, or how you already did.

Me talking about Bike Culture at an Ignite last year.

Fashion Show

After the talks, it’s Momentum Magazine’s Urban Legend Fashion Show featuring models on bikes in urban clothes, and gear.

Ride the Strip

It’s talks, fashion, and then we’ll ride the Strip. Bring your lights, sound systems, and your bad self.


Dahon, REI, and Mac Create Network are joining us and we’ve got more sponsorship packages. Contact us now to get in on the fun.

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