Aaron’s Bicycle Repair and Redline Bicycles are raffling off a Redline 9-2-5 to benefit one of Seattle’s best bicycle men. Val Kleitz is currently battling cancer and all raffle proceeds the will go towards helping him cover his medical bills.
Val and I worked together at a shop when I was in High School and College. He then went on to open The Bikesmith in Wallingford. He’s worked at a number of shops around Seattle since then, most recently as the Rock Shox Warranty and Service Manager for Seattle Bike Supply and the Sunday mechanic at Aaron’s Bicycle Repair. He’s helped out with a number of Bike Hugger projects and is just an all around great guy.
UPDATE: Aaron has setup a PayPal account for donations as well.
Raffle tickets are available at Aaron’s Bicycle Repair in <a href= http://www.google.com/maps?f=d&hl=en&saddr=&daddr=6527+California+AVE+SW,+Seattle+WA+98136&ie=UTF8&om=1&z=15”>West Seattle (through Mid-December).
In a related note, Seattle Bike Shop employees (current and former) are invited to a Seattle Bike Shop Annual Gathering. The intent is to talk “shop” and it’s not open to the public, but for those of you who qualify it might be worth attending to meet up with some of your peers in the area. Attached is the invite with the relevant information.
All current and former bike shop staff *are invited. Please invite your co-workers and other Seattle area bike shop staff you may know. If you are not in the Seattle area bicycle industry and received this email, then please pass it on to some who is.
includes mechanics, sales people, managers, owners, frame builders, warranty managers and press
this is an all-ages party
Tuesday, November 17th, 2009 8 PM Pike Brewing Company Upper Museum Room (no-host bar) 1415 1st Avenue, Seattle (206) 622-6044 www.pikebrewing.com